
Monthly Newsletter of the South Bay Writers

Submission Guidelines |  WritersTalk Staff  |  Back Issues

Current Issue

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WritersTalk July 2024

Back issues

Cumulative Index

Submissions: South Bay Writers members are encouraged to submit their creative work to WritersTalk for publication. It’s a friendly place to dip your toes into literary waters. See Submission Guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

SBW encourages writers at all levels to submit their creative work, essays, and reportage for publication in WritersTalk. Send submissions and proposals to newsletter@southbaywriters.com

Submissions and proposals must be either included in the body of the email or attached as a Word file. Please double-space. No paper submissions or scanned PDFs. Graphics should be high-quality JPGs or PNGs. Submissions will be copyedited, and may be sent back for revision. Managing editor reserves all rights to selection.

Word limits

Member announcements (200 words, see below)

News/Essay/Reportage (please submit proposal by 1st of month; draft due 15th of month)

Opinion/Letters (300 words)

Fiction/Memoir (1000 words)

Poetry (200 words)


Submissions open year-round

Close the 15th of month prior to publication

Member announcements

An announcement is of interest and value to writers, does not provide direct economic benefit to its originator, and is published free of charge


Authors retain all rights to their work. WritersTalk gratefully acknowledges authors’ permission to publish their work here. Contact individual authors for permission to reprint


Announcements of workshops, conferences, and events from other branches of California Writers Club are welcome in WritersTalk. CWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, and WritersTalk cannot accept advertising of events or services that benefit an individual. To advertise in CWC’s The Bulletin, see page 15. No political advertising

WritersTalk Staff

Tina Glasner

Tina Glasner

Managing Editor

Tina Glasner has enjoyed a wide-ranging career in writing, editing, and design. She recently retired from technical documentation, having worked for Applied Materials, Facebook, Apple, and many others. She’s written articles on business, science, and health, and edited and produced books for many CWC authors. In the past she served as South Bay Writers Club president, vice president, and newsletter editor, and received the Jack London Award. She illustrated and designed the book Lopsided Laughs with poet Rick Duncan, and also markets Fragments Of A Forgotten People, a memoir she developed with author Henry Fast about his refugee experiences in Siberia. She enjoys painting, crafts, gardening, her family, and playing flute and piccolo with several community bands.

Marjorie Johnson

Marjorie Johnson

Deputy Editor

Marjorie holds an MA in mathematics from San Jose State and is addicted to the Fibonacci sequence—she served on the editorial board of The Fibonacci Quarterly, an academic mathematics journal, for 40 years, and has a complete set of FQ bound volumes, 1963 through 2019, on eight feet of her bookshelves. Writing as Marjorie Bicknell Johnson, she has three published novels: Bird Watcher, Jaguar Princess, and Lost Jade of the Maya, all available on Amazon. The creative writing class taught by Edie Matthews, the encouragement of having her short stories published in WritersTalk, and the opportunities to meet other writers in SBW put Marjorie on the fiction-writing road. She enjoys sharing her passion for writing.

Carolyn Donnell

Carolyn Donnell

Contributing Editor

Carolyn is a prize-winning writer and poet. Her latest award was First Place in fiction at the 2015 San Francisco Writers Conference. She attributes her successes to the help and experience gained from South Bay Writers club members and activities. As a Contributing Editor to WritersTalk, she heads up the Contests and Markets column and takes photographs at meetings. She also supports SBW’s social media outreach on Facebook. Her other passions include music (viola) and painting.


Contributing Editor

Ken Roberge, a retired Silicon Valley engineer, adopted Kendad as a recent penname. Always interested in the arts, his first novel was self-published in 2018. He’s currently brewing a second work of fiction and has submitted short stories to WritersTalk while creating Les Prose comics. Ken joined the Valley Village writers group in 2017 to improve his literary skills and receive inspiration. He now volunteers to edit WritersTalk entries each month. Mantra—keep moving forward.
Marty Sorensen

Marty Sorensen

Contributing Editor

Marty is the author of Window on Pike Place and Searching for Julia.

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