
How and Why to Join the South Bay Writers

About Membership

Membership in South Bay Writers is open to published and unpublished writers of all genres, as well as those involved in writing-related fields. Our mission is to promote fellowship among members, and the personal and professional development of their work. South Bay Writers is a branch of the California Writers Club, one of the oldest writers clubs in continuous operation in the United States.
As a member of South Bay Writers, you are eligible for discounts to meetings, conferences, workshops, and contests sponsored by all 22 branches of our California Writers Club, a 501(c)3 nonprofit.


Members who are interested in writing and writing-related fields.


Members currently in good standing at another California Writers Club branch who would also like to join South Bay Writers.


Full-time students who are interested in writing and writing-related fields.

How to Join?

The current membership year runs from July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025

  • Membership renewals are due by July 31.
  • New or renewal memberships occurring mid-year are pro-rated.

New members complete an ONLINE APPLICATION, including writing samples, and SUBMIT PAYMENT.


Submit Payment

Mail a check payable to:


Pay via PayPal.

(PayPal will let you use a non-PayPal card. On the PayPal screen, scroll down for the button:
“Pay with Debit or Credit Card” to use your card of choice.)

Select Your Membership

After graduating university, I met up with an old friend over coffee and discovered that he was also working on a novel. He encouraged me to join the South Bay Writers Club that he was part of, and shortly thereafter I went to my first meeting. It has been incredible being around so many writers, be it multi-published authors or those still working on a story. The SBW Club has been a source of motivation to keep pushing through and writing.
Tatyana Grinenko

I discovered the California Writers Club and South Bay Writers in my late forties. I’d been writing since high school and had decided, a few years earlier, to start taking my writing more seriously. I took an evening writing class given by a friend of a friend. Then I saw an announcement in the Mercury News for the CWC South Bay Branch, meeting at Mariani’s. The ads disappeared for a few months, then returned–and soon I was attending my first meeting!
Bill Baldwin

I joined South Bay Writers because I wanted to spend time with like-minded individuals who were as excited about writing as I am. Writing can sometimes be a lonely experience, and it helps to know that you are not the only one engaged in the creative struggle. It has been a wonderfully supportive environment. I look forward to every meeting!
Jamal Khan

I have always liked to write. When I retired from thirty years of teaching high school mathematics, I had 89 published and peer-reviewed mathematics articles under my belt, but I wanted to write something just for fun. I took a creative writing class from SBW member Edie Matthews and attended writing conferences and workshops. I joined South Bay Writers to meet other writers and to learn everything I could about writing. I learn something every time I come to a meeting.

[Note: Margorie’s third novel, Lost Jade of the Maya, was included in Book Expo America, New York, in May, 2017.]

Marjorie Johnson