Heather Haven, Author

Publishing a novel can be an elusive dream, even for the most dedicated of writers. Although Heather Haven always had a passion for writing, her journey to the publication of her first novel contains as many twists and turns as one of the 18 published mysteries she now has under her belt. 

Starting out in Florida, with a long stint in New York City as an actress, seamstress, and writer of pretty much everything except novels, she never gave up on her original dream. She ended up in California working other jobs but in her spare time, she put everything she had into completing a sensational cozy mystery. When publication offers failed to materialize, she boldly self-published, a practice looked down upon at that time, but which ultimately led to traditional publication success and more. 

Join us to hear Heather’s hilarious adventures through publication, which, in the manner of her witty mystery novels, leads to an unpredictable ending.

When: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 10:30am

Where: Maker Nexus, 1330 Orleans Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Admission: $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers