Storytelling has been around as long as humans have. When we engage in storytelling, we are participating in a tradition that is older than written languages, older than agriculture, older than civilization itself. Neuroscientists have discovered that our brains are uniquely hardwired for stories; they nourish us in a way that bread alone cannot. Nowhere is this more true than with public speaking. Highlights of the craft, from TED Talks to the Moth Radio Hour, draw massive audiences and command immense prestige. Demand for skilled oral storytelling has persisted through the ages, and will never wane. In fact, the rise of podcasts, the ubiquity of smartphones and earbuds, and the proliferation of home audio assistants like Alexa have made oral storytelling more powerful and far-reaching than ever.
In our September 17th dinner meeting, Kate Ferrell will teach us how to effectively deliver an original, personal narrative. Storytelling is an art that is constantly evolving, emerging in new forms and styles, yet true to the essence of the oral tradition. Kate presents workshops and talks on the art of storytelling for a variety of groups, from the general public to writers, from educators to business leaders. She will explain how we are always looking for the fading human connection that is reliably found by telling enduring stories. Storytelling fills a crucial need in society by providing a direct, personal connection through its art and engaging oral tradition.
Kate is an editor of several anthologies and an author. She edited the anthology Wisdom Has a Voice: Every Daughter’s Memories of Mother. She is a co-editor of the anthology Times They Were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60s & 70s, a finalist for Foreword Reviews 2014 Book of the Year Award and the 2014 Indie Excellence Award. She is also co-editor of the anthology Cry of the Nightbird: Writers Against Domestic Violence, a finalist for the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Award and the 2015 Indie Excellence Award.
When: Tuesday, September 17, at 6PM; talk begins at 7:30pm
Where: Holder’s Country Inn, 998 S. DeAnza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129
(Cost of admission includes a $10 rebate on the purchase of a dinner)