What’s Happening with the South Bay Writers
SBW Holiday Bash – Sunday, December 8
Come join your fellow South Bay writers for a wonderful and festive evening of food, drinks and gift exchange. No general meeting in December. When: Sunday, December 8th 4:00PM – 8:00PM Potluck - Bring a dish according to your last name:A – G Salad or Side DishH – N...
UPDATE: November 9 – Motivate Yourself to Write Every Day – A Discussion
Life can be as unpredictable as a mystery novel and once again our proposed speaker, dear Heather Haven, recently recovered from a broken wrist and laryngitis has been detained with illness. We wish her a speedy recovery and are taking advantage of the change in...
Nov 9: “The Publishing Journey” with Heather Haven
Hooray! Heather will be here in November! Life can be as unpredictable as a mystery novel. Despite a broken wrist, Heather Haven planned to speak at our August meeting. But severe laryngitis proved too much, even for her. Luckily, Edie Matthews stepped in, giving...
Oct 12: “The End! – Writing Compelling Endings” with Jill Hedgecock
Jill Hedgecock, Author at As writers, it seems obvious our goal is to keep readers engaged, especially in longer works where each chapter's end should leave them wanting more. Jill Hedgecock emphasizes the art of finding the right chapter...
Sept 14: “Writing Process of a Best-Selling Author” with Robin Sloan
Robin Sloan, Author at The idea for a best-selling novel can come from the most unexpected sources. Misreading a tweet in 2008 about a “24-hr bookdrop” as a “24hr bookshop”, Robin Sloan’s disappointment was beyond words. The idea of a...
August 10: “Fundamentals of Comedy Writing” with Edie Matthews
Edie Matthews Learn the fundamentals of comedy writing, including the formulas and secrets used by professional comedy writers and comedians to create material for standup, sitcoms, plays, monologues, novels, stories, magazine and newspaper articles, jokebooks,...
July 21: South Bay Writers’ Summer BBQ
GRILLIN’ & CHILLIN’ Let’s ketchup! Join us for our Annual Summer Potluck BBQ. Enjoy tantalizing food and good company -- both provided by you! Relax, network, chat with old friends, and make new ones. POTLUCK, Sunday, JULY 21, 3-6pm Last names bring: A-K ...
June 8 – “Create Your Book Buzz” with Chris Hennessy
So you’ve written a book and friends love it, but how do you reach a wider audience? At our next meeting, speaker, author, and filmmaker Chris Hennessy will share how to master promoting your work in today’s world of social media. His presentation includes...
May 11 – “The ABC’s of Picture Books: Essential Writing & Publishing Tips” with Emily Jiang
We all grew up on picture books. We enjoyed the illustrations before we learned how to read the words. Only years later did we realize that crafting the latter requires as much painstaking skill as drawing the former. Brevity brings forth brilliance. The seamless...
April 13 – “It’s All Writing,” with Mary Gottschalk
Whether your focus is fiction, non-fiction, novels, or magazine pieces, or you're working on a biography or your autobiography—it's all writing!! And all writing involves research, interviews, organization, editing, and an opening that will make the reader want to...